St Mark's MK

St Mark's MK

About us

St Mark's MK is a registered charity no. 1180087, we provide a home for St Mark's Meals, Meals Network, Sanctuary, MK Child Poverty Partnership, and St Mark's MK church community. To make a donation to one of our projects specifically, you need to use one of the appeal/event pages at the bottom of our charity profile page or use the donate links on the separate web pages.

St Mark's Meals, over 11,000 children live in poverty in Milton Keynes.  Meals partners with over 70 local schools, children's centres & community hubs to provide meals boxes for families. As soon as a teacher or other professional realises that a child will not eat dinner that night, they can invite a family to choose from a selection of easy to make delicious dinner options. And if they need dinner again tomorrow night, they can…cos no child should go to bed hungry.

Meals Network, 1 in 4 kids in the UK live in poverty, we help other churches & charities in the UK take on our tried and tested replicatable model to provide Meals boxes for hungry families in their community/town/city.

Sanctuary, 1 in 4 women will experience abuse from a partner, 1 in 6 men experience abuse from a partner and 3 in 10 children experience abuse at home.  Our Sanctuary project trains and resources churches in Milton Keynes to be safe spaces for survivors of domestic abuse.

The MK Child Poverty Partnership was created in response to the growing needs of the staggering number of children across MK whose life is impacted by poverty. While there are many working to positively affect the lives of these children and young people, working together, across the government, policy, charity, education and business sector, we can achieve much more.

St Mark's MK Church is a community of friendly people on a journey of faith to discover more about God together and what it means to share hope and love in Milton Keynes.

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